The websites I like and read (mainly selected 2009-2015):
- Adland
- Ads of the World
- AdWeek
- Andrew Zuckerman Photography
- Ars Technica
- Awesome Billboards and Outdoor Advertising
- Artsy’s Anton Corbijn page
- Best Brands of the World
- Bizarre Promotions Blog
- Brand Republic
- Brain Pickings
- The BrandBuilder Blog
- Branding Strategy Insider
- Buzz Marketing for Technology
- Chris Garrett on New Media
- ClickZ News
- Co.Create
- Confessions of an Aca/Fan
- Conversation Agent
- Conversion Rate Experts
- Cool Hunting
- Cool Tools
- Copyblogger
- Core77 / industrial design magazine
- Creative Commons
- Creative Nerds
- DreamGrow Digital
- Deirdre Breakenridge
- DesignAddict
- Design Finds You
- Design You Trust. World’s Most Provocative Social Inspiration.
- Dexigner Design Portal
- Dezeen
- Engadget
- Fast Company
- gapingvoid
- Girvin Strategic Branding Design Blog
- Gizmodo
- Great Advertising, Clever Ads
- haque :: design + research
- How to Change the World
- I Believe in Advertising
- industrial design courses ? designboom
- Joe La Pompe
- Kerrang!, the world’s biggest selling weekly rock magazine… on-line!
- Listverse
- Logic+Emotion
- Luerzer’s Archive
- make the logo bigger
- MakeUseOf
- Marketing TechBlog
- Marketing – The Art and Science of Connecting With Consumers
- Mashable!
- MediaDesign
- MediaPost Publications
- Metal Hammer
- Motionographer
- Moz
- Music News and Reviews, Concert Tickets, Videos, Pictures and Free MP3s – NME.COM
- Neuromarketing
- Nieman Journalism Lab
- Oddee
- Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
- Online Marketing Blog
- Only Dead Fish
- Open Culture
- Personal Branding Blog – Dan Schawbel
- PR news, features, opinions, and analysis – PRWeek US
- ProBlogger Blog Tips
- Psdtuts+
- Ries’ Pieces
- Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily
- SEO оптимизация за търсачки
- SEO блог и Уеб програмиране
- Search Engine Journal
- Search Engine Roundtable
- Search Engine Land
- Seth’s Blog
- Six Revisions
- Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
- Smart Insights
- Smashing Magazine Feed
- SocialFresh
- Social Media Marketing Blog
- Social Media Examiner
- Social Media Explorer
- Social Media Today
- Socialnomics – Social Media Blog
- TechCrunch
- Techipedia | Tamar Weinberg
- TED Blog
- The Hidden Persuader
- The History of Visual Communication
- The Next Web
- The World’s No.1 Science and Technology News Service – New Scientist – New Scientist
- TREND HUNTER – The Latest Trends
- Тrend watching
- Usability Geek
- ViralNova
- Visualization Lab recent visualizations added by Visualization Lab users
- Web Strategy by Jeremiah
- Webdesigner Depot
- Wired
- World Digital Library
- Yatzer
- Yanko Design
- Yoast – tweaking websites
- » § « Cynical Speech™
- Аз чета – сайтът за твоята книга – Аз чета – сайтът за твоята книга
- Блог на Иво Илиев
- Блог на Богомил “Бого” Шопов
- Блогът на Делян Делчев
- Блогът на Юруков
- Василена Вълчанова
- De Libertate Iuris Digitalis
- Grigor Gatchev – A Weblog
- yovko in a nutshell | Йовко
- [Медийно право] [Нели Огнянова]
- ITraining blog