“Me the Media” – Rise of the Conversation Society
Past, Present and Future of the Third Media Revolution
Authors: Jaap Bloem, Menno van Doorn, Sander Duivestein, featuring “The Obama Moment” by Peter Leyden

by VINT: Vision, Inspiration, Navigation, Trends – Research Institute of Sogeti.

The old, trusted mass media have been absorbed by the new media mass in which we all participate as individuals and consumers. After the printing press and movable type, and after such mass media as radio and TV, the modern era of the Web is the Third great Media Revolution undergone by humanity.

This sweeping wave has far-reaching consequences: for business, for society, for technology, and for us. In this Me-Media dynamics composites of digital alter egos are rapidly becoming an accepted form of personal and brand identity. They increasingly form the basis of the social and economic activity in which individuals, organizations, and government engage.
The Third Media Revolution e-mancipates physical identities to the “Hyperego” level: the digital me’s we know so well from CNN’s iReport, iGoogle, iPhone, myBarackObama, YouTube and the like. All are hyperlinked and super active on the Web, involving citizens, brands, companies and politicians.
The coming decades will see us intimately and physically interconnected within our own web by means of ordinary hardware and software, but subsequently also via biochemistry (“wetware”) and nanotech. In this way, life will become one huge test laboratory for the further development of humanity.

Me TheMedia – Rise of the Conversation Society

Me TheMedia – Rise of the C… by Boris Loukanov on Scribd

Check also: “Open for Business” by VINT