by Boris Loukanov | Jan 12, 2015
15 years later two of the authors of Cluetrain Manifesto – Doc Searls and David Weinberger have wrote the New Manifest of Glory for the People of the Internet and the World Wide Web.
The Cluetrain Manifesto actualy started the Revolution in the field of modern marketing and business in general, provokoed the big change which came with the powerful development of the Internet and Digital technologies. It began as a Cluetrain website in 1999 when the authors – Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls, and David Weinberger, who have worked variously at IBM, Sun Microsystems, the Linux Journal, and NPR, posted 95 theses about the new reality of the networked marketplace.
by Boris Loukanov | Oct 11, 2014
„Целта ни е не да променим уебсайтовете на правителството, а да променим правителството!“
Как уж консервативните британци направиха с GOV.UK истинска революция в съвременните концепции за присъствието на държавните институции в интернет?
by Boris Loukanov | Feb 22, 2012
“We, the Web Kids” by Piotr Czerski – a Masterpiece Essay Must Read!
We, the Web kids; we, who have grown up with the Internet and on the Internet, are a generation who meet the criteria for the term in a somewhat subversive way. We did not experience an impulse from reality, but rather a metamorphosis of the reality itself. What unites us is not a common, limited cultural context, but the belief that the context is self-defined and an effect of free choice…
by Boris Loukanov | May 3, 2011
Eli Pariser – a senior fellow at the Roosevelt Institute and former executive director of, said the Facebooks and Googles of the internet are tweaking their algorithms to personalize user experience, filtering content that shows us only what it thinks we want to see rather than all we can — and should.
by Boris Loukanov | Oct 14, 2010
The Adobe Museum of Digital Media (AMDM) is a space unlike any created before. Because it is entirely digital, it is an ideal gallery for displaying and viewing digital media, as well as revealing the innovation and artistry within the work. It is open to the public 365 days a year and is accessible from anywhere in the world.