by Boris Loukanov | Feb 22, 2012
“We, the Web Kids” by Piotr Czerski – a Masterpiece Essay Must Read!
We, the Web kids; we, who have grown up with the Internet and on the Internet, are a generation who meet the criteria for the term in a somewhat subversive way. We did not experience an impulse from reality, but rather a metamorphosis of the reality itself. What unites us is not a common, limited cultural context, but the belief that the context is self-defined and an effect of free choice…
by Boris Loukanov | Jul 29, 2009
С удоволствие с включвам в инициативата “Свобода, а не страх 2009” на “Електронна граница”.
На 12 септември 2009 г. (събота) всички заинтересовани граждани по целия свят ще се съберат да протестират под мотото “Свобода, а не страх 2009 – Да спрем манията за подслушване”.
by Boris Loukanov | Apr 19, 2009
PR 2.0 – A Communicator’s Manifesto By Deirdre Breakenridge
by Boris Loukanov | Jul 2, 2008
Core 77 I don’t like the word manifesto. It reeks of dogma and rules—two things I instinctually reject. I do love the way it puts things on the line, but I don’t like lines, or groups. So a manifesto probably isn’t for me. The other thing about...