The guru of Creative thinking to hold one day seminar in Bulgaria on September
You can do no better than to attend a Edward de Bono seminar, said a couple of years ago Tom Peters. I would never did something against Tom Peters said and strongly recommend to listen him.
The seminar in Sofia, Bulgaria, scheduled for 23 of September will be a long waited for and unique opportunity to meet Dr. Edward de Bono – one of the humanity greatest thinkers of all times – and to learn how his much acclaimed “lateral thinking” concepts can be applied for innovation and business development and growth in the post-crisis era.
This will be a full-day seminar under the heading “NEW THINKING, INNOVATIONS, BUSINESS – Post-Crisis Strategies “ which is intended to give a strong positive impulse to the business and the society in their striving to move forward in a hard time.
The event will attract Bulgarian and international business and public leaders (1000+ individuals are expected).
The seminar will be attended by entrepreneurs, executive directors, board members, managers, public leaders, innovation, creativity and marketing leaders, opinion makers, media representatives.
Do not miss the chance to register now on promotional price!
Billionaires regularly thank Edward de Bono for changing their lives. Richard Branson is a long-time fan, as are three Nobel laureates. In 2009, Donald Trump also celebrated de Bono’s work, stating that as a businessman, he understood the significance of the lateral approach. “It can move things forward with a co-ordination of focus that can save a lot of time and money for everyone,” he noted, calling de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats “a terrific guide to precise thinking – thinking without confusion and thinking that provides results”.
From the University of Malta (which now hosts de Bono’s Institute for the Design and Development of Thinking), he won a place at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, was made junior lecturer in medicine at the age of 27, became assistant director of research at Cambridge University’s Department of Investigative Medicine, and then graduated to increasingly senior posts until, at the age of 33, he made the faculty at Harvard. As a result, de Bono now has a constellation of degrees: BSc, MD, MA, D Phil, Ph D, DDes, LLD.
“I was investigating complex interactive systems,” he explains, “and from that, developed ideas on self-organising systems, and a way of looking at them, and I applied that to neural networks in the brain, and I thought: Well, if the brain works like that, what’s it good at? It’s good at forming patterns. Patterns are asymmetric, and that led to the idea of lateral thinking.”
The term – now listed in the Oxford English Dictionary – encompassed revolution at a time when revolution was celebrated, and de Bono became a superstar.
Whereas Rene Descartes propounded “cogito ergo sum’ (I think therefore I am), Edward de Bono proposes ‘ago ergo erigo’ (I act therefore I construct/ act). It is not enough to sit, (talk) and think: Action, together with an intentional design of the thought process, is required to constructively advance towards results and change.
Dr. de Bono acts as advisor to various Governments, cities, regional Governments and global organisations dealing on a macro level with diverse topics including economy, unemployment, social policy, recidivism, pensions, health care, finance, transportation, education, conflict resolution, judicial processes, foresight scenario design etc.
His methods are now mandatory on the school curriculum in many countries and widely used in others. These countries include Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Argentina, U.K., Italy, United Arab Emirates, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, The Baltic States, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Singapore, Malaysia, India, China, U.S.A., Russia. It is compulsory in all schools in Venezuela. In Malta there is a model show-case for the de Bono Thinking Tools within the national Education Department.
His instruction in thinking has been sought by many organisations: Boeing, British Telecom, Sanofi, Rolex, Siemens, 3M, Ericsson, General Motors, Nestle, Goldman Sachs, Ernst & Young, Microsoft, British Petroleum, Oracle, Lockheed Martin, The Wallace Foundation, Daiichi-Sankyo, PURINA, Phillip Morris, Texas Instruments, RIM (Black Berry), MTV International, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Smith Barney, ING, P&G, Lexmark, Merck, Siemens, IDG, USA Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, US Department of Homeland Security, Boston Scientific and many other.
Using the de Bono techniques, these well known companies dramatically improved their productivity and their bottom line:
• Prudential Insurance invented Living Benefits Insurance
• Dupont saved $30 million per year by eliminating 9 steps in the manufacturing process of Kevlar®
• Boeing navigated through and avoided a deadlock between management and its labor union
• Motorola developed and brought to market the first PDA/MP3 Player
• 3M developed market-breaking product innovations—such as: Duct Tape targeted for women
• ABB went from $0 to $60 million in profit in just 2 years in one of their branches
• The United Kingdom reduced unemployment from 3 million to 1 million
• The Eurhythmics rock group posted a note of thanks to Edward de Bono on the cover of a bestselling album.
Some other interesting facts about Edward de Bono:
• Dr. de Bono has been ranked among the top 50 most influencial business thinkers in the world by Thinkers 50 List
• Recipient of the prestigious Carl Sloan 2005 Award for contributing the most in the field of business thinking around the world.
• Best selling author who has written 82 books which have been translated into 41 languages in 58 countries.
• Regarded as the leading international authority in the field of critical, creative and innovative thinking and the teaching of thinking as a skill.
• De Bono’s methods (Six Value Medals®, Simplicity™, Six Thinking Hats®, Lateral Thinking, DATT™, and Focus on Facilitation™) have been adopted by businesses around the world, studied by governments, promoted by peace institutes, required by schools, and taught in prisons.
• Dr. de Bono established the World Centre for New Thinking which acts as a platform and channel to make visible New Thinking from any source.
• Dr. de Bono is a Nobel Prize nominee in Economics in 2005.
At the end – a couple of unforgettable De Bono quotes:
“Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven.”
“Most executives, many scientists, and almost all business school graduates believe that if you analyze data, this will give you new ideas. Unfortunately, this belief is totally wrong. The mind can only see what it is prepared to see.”
“Companies that solely focus on competition will ultimately die. Those that focus on value creation will thrive.”
It’s really worth to to see Edward de Bono live!
Well, interesting post, thanks!