FUTURESTATES is a Futuristic art project developed by Independent Television Service (ITVS) who asked 11 experienced filmmakers and emerging talents to take the current state of affairs in the United States, and extrapolate them into stories of the nation in the not-so-distant future.
They created 11 short narrative films transforming today’s complex social issues into visions about what life in America will be like in decades to come. The first season of FUTURESTATES debuted in March 2010, and is available exclusively online.
FUTURESTATES is a series of 11 fictional mini-features exploring possible future scenarios through the lens of today’s global realities. Immerse yourself in the visions of these independent prognosticators as they project a future of their own imagining.
Each episode presents a different filmmaker’s vision of American society in the not-too-distant future, fusing an exploration of social issues with elements of speculative and science fiction.
By embracing elements of speculative and science fiction, each film creates a fantastic new world to make comment on our own.
Think of it:
A minute ago, this moment was the future.
A minute from now, everything could change…
In the Futurestates website is aviable and Predict -O-Meter where everybody could forecast future events and explore the predictions left by others in our immersive timeline.
Check also Facebook page of the Project.