by Boris Loukanov | Jun 19, 2011
Не съм писал досега публично за нещо толкова лично и интимно …за моя любов…за нещо, което повече от 20 години нося в сърцето…Но не става дума за жена, а за една моя друга любов – към Cinderella, по-точно към човека, който въплащава изцяло тази страхотна банда – невероятния артист, музикант, фронтмен, композитор, поет и певец, рок-звездата и човекът – Том Кайфър.
by Boris Loukanov | Nov 2, 2010
Nokia started cool viral AD campaign for its N8 new model using nontraditional creative marketing idea – to shoot two short films entirely using Nokia N8 smartphone and to generate buzz and viral effect around the web.
by Boris Loukanov | Oct 14, 2010
The world famous Dutch film director, designer and photographer Anton Corbijn created the “Smallest Shortest Film” in the movie history of only 1 second for the International post service company TNT .
by Boris Loukanov | Aug 31, 2010
Interactive concept video for indie band The “Arcade Fire” has been created using HTML5 and the latest innovations on web technology
by Boris Loukanov | Jul 8, 2010
Do You want to be part of the world history? Do You want to join the team of the famous movie directors Kevin Macdonald and Ridley Scott? Do You want to attend the 2011 Sundance Film Festival? Do you have a video camera (no matter what)? If You answer YES these questions, just shoot a short video of your life – but only on the 24-th of the July, 2010!