Just found a full version of Oscar Winner “Logorama” movie for Best animated short film. Produced by French company H5, directors: Francois Alaux, Herve de Crecy and Ludovic Houplain. A satirical look at how pervasive corporate imagery has become in today’s society.
Some 2,500 brand IDs appear, and mascots like the Pringles, AOL and M&M’s guys, Ronald McDonald, the Michelin Man and countless others make an appearance. The concept is played for laughs (there are car chases and a hostage crisis, among other things), but it’s no huge leap to envision such a world. We already walk around covered head to toe in designer logos, and phrases like “Turn left at the Citgo sign” and “It’s two blocks down from Petco Park” increasingly help us find our way. It’s just a matter of time before life-size animated avatars stroll down Main Street, humming jingles and chanting taglines. Call me old fashioned, but when Geico’s cavemen move in next door, there goes the neighborhood!
H5 directed many videos (Alex Gopher, Massive Attack, Goldfrapp, Röyksopp…), and has regularly been invited to exhibitions (2007 Nuit Blanche, Beaubourg, MoMA…).
Logorama is its first short film.
“It doesn’t look like it, but it’s a French film,” said producer Nicolas Schmerkin, telling the live Oscars audience and TV viewers that he’d also like to thank the picture’s “3,000 unofficial sponsors“, referring to the logos featured in the flick, adding that “no logos were harmed in the making of the film“. Schmerkin also said it took six years to produce Logorama…
Saw it for the first time.
I recently watched this, and I loved it!!